
yummy breakfast

sorry i don't have a picture to post for this, but i kind of concocted this yumminess!

1/2 a cup of cooked quinoa
1/2 a cup of milk of your choice (i used whole, but i bet soy or almond or lowfat would be good too!)
1 cup of berries or diced strawberries
1/8 tsp of cinnamon
1 tbsp of brown sugar
i added a little bit of splenda too because i love sweet food! :)

oh my goodness it fills you up and tastes fantastic!

the branding.

so a few weeks back me and lynds went out and spent a few days on the ranch with stina and tyrell. it was a blast! and it was a hilarious experience to sum it all up. we went to a branding which in and of itself is a whole new experience for me and lynds. and this one, come to find out, was THE MOST REDNECK one everrr. don't get me wrong, i have really learned to not act like a snot, but this one was bad. this was my first time riding a horse and i actually loved! i went with tyrell and about 10 other people out into the fields to lead the cows and their calves in. it was a pretty neat thing! oh and the branding...

even me in all of my inexperience could tell this was totally unorganized. lol

the were a couple horses in the pin bucking and whatnot. the branded calves got mixed in with the ones still waiting. haha someone even went up to tyrell and told him he didn't know how to rope because he was from the city. HA. but on the bright side, i did get to wrestle 2 calves! lynds did one. i loved it! i really wish that tyrell had been wrestling and not roping because i'm sure he would have taught us a ton! all in all it wasn't bad!

and then lunch... the best way i can describe it is this... : okay so you know that part in napoleon dynamite where he works in the chicken farm or whatever and then they serve him that nasty lunch?? well that's basically what happened to us. not only did they find the grossest tables for us to eat on (bugs included) but they were drinking HOT beer right out of the shed. what the heck. no judgements tho... and i felt SO bad because i could tell that someone had spent a great deal of time cooking this food for us, but it was just awful... i'm sorry but cold baked beans and corn that taste like fruit loops are a bad deal...

but despite everything it was a ton of fun and i would most definitely do that again! i'm finding the more and more time i spend out there on the ranch with everyone, i have come to love and really appreciate the lifestyle! i love that there is always something to do or animals to check on and they just all work so hard! not to mention play hard! it's great, and i am just so happy for krystina!

here's us girls and stina's horse Shotgun!

some summer pictures!

my mother is a saint and she found my long lost friend! my lomography diana f+ camera! i know film camera's are a lost art and not everyone can appreciate the kinds of pictures this thing takes, but i LOVE them. they are so random and i love it! 

here's some more new pictures!!


you can follow me on pinterest! :)


more pictures!

spring! :)

okay so the more i think about it, i realize that i have a TON to catch up on! but the best thing is that i just finally bought a new computer so you know what that means?! it means i can start with my photography stuff again! ugh it feels so good! but here's a few things i've been working on today!


icky lumpy stuff

i LOVE gummy snacks and i LOVE salty food. little did i know that those are the biggest cause of why i have cellulite. looks like i'll be cutting those things out of my diet. lol. there are a few causes of cellulite and i read an article today that lest you know what to cut out based on what kind of cellulite you have. 

there is other articles here just like it. 

well i guess i didn't realize it's been FOUR months since i've last blogged.
goes to show how much excitement has been going on in my life...

i've kind of hit a plateau in my life. and i won't lie, it sucks. i keep waiting for things to change or for something to happen, and it just never does. but that has all changed! i won't wont post any of my plans til they are set in stone just so i don't jinx myself...
but let's just say that LDSBC added a photography program. :)

oh yeah and my sister is having a baby! :)
the little one will be here on november 15th.

but basically the reason i'm writing this blog is because i'm giving a forewarning that i am going to be posting a lot of healthy recipes and websites with advice and awesome workouts and etc..
i just need to compile all this stuff in one place so i'll have it handy. i've been working on and off this last year to drop this gosh darn 15 lbs. but i want to do it all the right way and i am trying to find a good way that works for me. i have a terrible knee so it's been making it real difficult to run or put any real pressure on it. so i've had a good run at finding ways to do cardio and work out around that. 

all in all some big changes are going to happen because i just can't do it the way things are anymore. i know i've been saying it for months and months and quite frankly I'M sick of hearing myself saying it. but i've finally gotten to the point where i am finally going to do something about it. 

times are changin.



i just got done posting about this and i jump on pinterest and what's the first thing that pops up on my pinboard?!?!!!


i swear! it's like i just had my prayers answered or something.
crazy i know. ;)