
it all started with stumble.

wow! well i have been a little bit of a busy girl the last couple weeks!! on all my days off i've been going to kyle's football games and now the season is over for the bulldogs. :( but i already can't wait for next year. IF we're still here that is. ;) 
soooo i've been doing a little talkin here with heavenly father. a little praying and pondering of sorts and i realize i am supposed to stay in nebraska for a while. womp womp. haha no but really tho. NOT EXACTLY my ideal place of living, but i have a job, my family, and some consistency. i think i've had such a rough time figuring things out the last, well, 4 years because i keep moving. so i think i'm gonna stay in one spot and see how this works out for a change. if a situation arises to move then i will or of course if i get (DUN DUN DUN) hitched at some point, haha which i'm sure is way out of the question living here in nebraska given my vast pool of 
LDS hotties to choose from. <---complete sarcasm. 

any-whoooo okay so anyone who knows me knows that i love my stumble account and google! well, one night i was just perusing through stumble and i happened upon this girl's makeup blog. bottom line, my life will never EVER be the same!! she reminds me so much of myself! her blog is xsparkage.com and for some reason she has rekindled my passion for makeup that i haven't felt since before i started high school!! i have been completely obsessed with it and trying all new things! and i have been vastly expanding my collections too. i know, crazy, huh?!  
i have found a few brands that i have FALLEN IN LOVE with and i have been using it and ordering it left and right! lol but one thing i have learned over the last few years is that me + FEDEX = no love whatsoever. and things take FOR-EV-ERRR. 
but i think i might want to break into makeup tutorials and makeup blogs? i dunno, but i will see. i think it would be way super fun, so that might be something to look out for!

but i am so inspired to do some makeup courses here soon. possibly an online makeup school??

oh and so lyndsie convinced me to take the plunge into mineral makeup. and i must say i have been pleasantly surprised!! i absolutely love it! however we have moved over into using everyday minerals as opposed to bareEssentuals. HUGE price difference. and if your like me, (a total cheap skate, or let's just say a bargain hunter hehe) inexpensive is a great thing! and the quality definitely doesn't suffer! i love how it feels like there is nothing on my face! no heaviness whatsoever. and ever since i found the new FIT ME makeup i thought it would be a miracle to pry me away from it! because that too doesn't feel heavy and so far the best makeup with liquid foundation and powder finish i've used! but yes, huge advocate of the mineral stuff. my face cleared up right quick!! so check these guys out!! 
ANOTHER passion i have discovered is my passion to do nails!! big shocker too right?! well a few months ago i started experimenting with acrylic nails and i actually have a knack for doing them!!! i think the only thing on my xmas list this year (dear santa) is an electric nail file! because filing them by hand takes forever!!

i also had my 23rd birthday. and it definitely wasn't as painful as i thought it would be!! i actually feel really good because i feel like i'm starting to find some direction for the first time in my life! and so many things are behind me now! i feel so much peace now as i look toward the future! :)
i know that as i keep doing the things i am supposed to do, heavenly father is going to continue blessing me in so many ways! i already feel so blessed and so happy. i am so grateful that i was able to make the changes i have and that i have the opportunity to keep moving forward to being the person heavenly father wants me to be!

you can love life, you just gotta get out there and live it! :)

p.s. i have quite a few pics to post in the next few days so keep an eye out for that!! :)

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