
see this? yeah i'm going there someday.

isn't this the prettiest thing you have ever seen? i know for me it is. this is the manti temple and one day i am going inside there. i love the temple. and what we do inside there is more beautiful than it is on the outside. in the temple we are sealed to our families for not only time but for eternity. my little sister recently went to the salt lake city temple and was sealed to her husband for time and all eternity and it is such a marvelous thing. i know some people don't understand and that's okay. when we go to the temple we make promises to heavely father to live a clean and honest life. but the purpose is not to be able to throw it in people's faces like we are better than the next person, it is because we are accountable for our own lives and there is much lasting joy and happiness to be found in living a life worthy to enter there and keeping the covenants we make there. i think about the temple everyday of my life and going there is the ONE thing i want the most. everything else in my life that happens outside of that is okay with me. i have found that ever since i have made the decision to live a life to be worthy to be able to enter the temple, so many things have fallen into place and i have been able to persevere through everything that has been thrown at me this year with flying colors. i have cut so many bad things from my life, i have learned what my 'gateway' decisions are, i have learned how to push myself. the way i view the temple has drastically changed. before i just viewed it as something i wanted because i knew it was right. going there was just another motion in lds life. but now after the things i've been through and knowing how close i came losing all of this, i view it as something so much greater than that. the same way when we marry, we promise to work through good times and bad to make it last for forever, i feel like going to the temple and making covenants and taking out endowments is a lot like that. not like we are married to god or anything, but in the sense when we take out those endowments we are promising to keep our faith, trust in him, and live a christ like life through good times and bad. to always remember him. it's like the ultimate commitment to heavenly father and living our lives in a way that honor our covenants is our way of showing him we are in it for the long haul. and i am so excited to be able to make those promises. i am so ready to be eternally commited. to prove to heavenly father i am never going to go back down the road i went down. as much as everyday is a constant struggle with it, i remember the results and i never want to be in such a low place ever again. the feeling of knowing the direction of the spirit has left you is a very empty life. and i found no lasting happiness. the temple is the most important thing to me. and it's definately a non-negotiable. i can't wait to meet the special person i am meant to be with. the person i am going to be sealed to for time and all eternity. it's so special to me. and we are so blessed to have restored gospel here on earth to make it possible to be with our families not just for our time here on earth, but for eternity! what an amazing thing. :)

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