
trying something new. :)

okay okay. so i have started yet another blog. whoop-dee do right? how is this blog going to be different you ask? well i have a good answer!!! i promise this blog is going to be different than anything i've ever done before. with this blog i want to focus on all the positive in my life. in the last 12 months i have learned many life lessons. and in the beginning i stumbled into a life that i had never experienced before and did things that i would never imagined myself doing. if you want the whole story it's posted all over my old blog. my old blog, i realize, was the place i posted all my epiphanies whilst i was trying to figure my life back out and get back to the path that i know is going to work best for me; the path that is going to bring me the most joy in life. and i have learned so much! and now that it's been a year, i really feel like i am back on track and in a better place than ever! with this blog, i want to use it to appreciate all of the blessings that god has given me. i have been given many second chances this year, and everyday i try to appreciate them. i want to show appreciation for the amazing support system that i have in my family and my friends who have been so patient with me over the last year and loved me in spite of all of my misakes i made when bad jess took over. but there is so much positive to be seen in all my mistakes. so much beauty and pain. there is so much love to be found in healing. but in a way this blog signifies me being able to completely walk away from the events of the last year. this blog marks the beginning of me actually living my life. i know that with my faith and heavenly father by my side i can make through everything and this last year proves that. it's about time i align my will with the lord's will and be the person he intended me to be. i still have a lot i need to figure it out and i know there are going to be times when i fall on my face, but you know what i am only human. i take everyday as it comes. i'll have bad days and good days. but that's the beauty in life. everyday you live can be so dramatically different from yesterday. it really brings a new light to the saying 'life is only as good as you make it.' life is good. life is beautiful. :)

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