
yummy breakfast

sorry i don't have a picture to post for this, but i kind of concocted this yumminess!

1/2 a cup of cooked quinoa
1/2 a cup of milk of your choice (i used whole, but i bet soy or almond or lowfat would be good too!)
1 cup of berries or diced strawberries
1/8 tsp of cinnamon
1 tbsp of brown sugar
i added a little bit of splenda too because i love sweet food! :)

oh my goodness it fills you up and tastes fantastic!

the branding.

so a few weeks back me and lynds went out and spent a few days on the ranch with stina and tyrell. it was a blast! and it was a hilarious experience to sum it all up. we went to a branding which in and of itself is a whole new experience for me and lynds. and this one, come to find out, was THE MOST REDNECK one everrr. don't get me wrong, i have really learned to not act like a snot, but this one was bad. this was my first time riding a horse and i actually loved! i went with tyrell and about 10 other people out into the fields to lead the cows and their calves in. it was a pretty neat thing! oh and the branding...

even me in all of my inexperience could tell this was totally unorganized. lol

the were a couple horses in the pin bucking and whatnot. the branded calves got mixed in with the ones still waiting. haha someone even went up to tyrell and told him he didn't know how to rope because he was from the city. HA. but on the bright side, i did get to wrestle 2 calves! lynds did one. i loved it! i really wish that tyrell had been wrestling and not roping because i'm sure he would have taught us a ton! all in all it wasn't bad!

and then lunch... the best way i can describe it is this... : okay so you know that part in napoleon dynamite where he works in the chicken farm or whatever and then they serve him that nasty lunch?? well that's basically what happened to us. not only did they find the grossest tables for us to eat on (bugs included) but they were drinking HOT beer right out of the shed. what the heck. no judgements tho... and i felt SO bad because i could tell that someone had spent a great deal of time cooking this food for us, but it was just awful... i'm sorry but cold baked beans and corn that taste like fruit loops are a bad deal...

but despite everything it was a ton of fun and i would most definitely do that again! i'm finding the more and more time i spend out there on the ranch with everyone, i have come to love and really appreciate the lifestyle! i love that there is always something to do or animals to check on and they just all work so hard! not to mention play hard! it's great, and i am just so happy for krystina!

here's us girls and stina's horse Shotgun!

some summer pictures!

my mother is a saint and she found my long lost friend! my lomography diana f+ camera! i know film camera's are a lost art and not everyone can appreciate the kinds of pictures this thing takes, but i LOVE them. they are so random and i love it! 

here's some more new pictures!!


you can follow me on pinterest! :)


more pictures!

spring! :)

okay so the more i think about it, i realize that i have a TON to catch up on! but the best thing is that i just finally bought a new computer so you know what that means?! it means i can start with my photography stuff again! ugh it feels so good! but here's a few things i've been working on today!


icky lumpy stuff

i LOVE gummy snacks and i LOVE salty food. little did i know that those are the biggest cause of why i have cellulite. looks like i'll be cutting those things out of my diet. lol. there are a few causes of cellulite and i read an article today that lest you know what to cut out based on what kind of cellulite you have. 

there is other articles here just like it. 

well i guess i didn't realize it's been FOUR months since i've last blogged.
goes to show how much excitement has been going on in my life...

i've kind of hit a plateau in my life. and i won't lie, it sucks. i keep waiting for things to change or for something to happen, and it just never does. but that has all changed! i won't wont post any of my plans til they are set in stone just so i don't jinx myself...
but let's just say that LDSBC added a photography program. :)

oh yeah and my sister is having a baby! :)
the little one will be here on november 15th.

but basically the reason i'm writing this blog is because i'm giving a forewarning that i am going to be posting a lot of healthy recipes and websites with advice and awesome workouts and etc..
i just need to compile all this stuff in one place so i'll have it handy. i've been working on and off this last year to drop this gosh darn 15 lbs. but i want to do it all the right way and i am trying to find a good way that works for me. i have a terrible knee so it's been making it real difficult to run or put any real pressure on it. so i've had a good run at finding ways to do cardio and work out around that. 

all in all some big changes are going to happen because i just can't do it the way things are anymore. i know i've been saying it for months and months and quite frankly I'M sick of hearing myself saying it. but i've finally gotten to the point where i am finally going to do something about it. 

times are changin.



i just got done posting about this and i jump on pinterest and what's the first thing that pops up on my pinboard?!?!!!


i swear! it's like i just had my prayers answered or something.
crazy i know. ;)

small things bring to pass great and marvelous things.

well something in me just clicked. today in my class i was teaching the girls about when lehi was given the liahona and when nephi broke his bow and they were all starved and murmuring against Heavenly Father, nephi went out and made a new one and asked lehi where he should go and kept his faith in Heavenly Father and was then guided by the liahona to where the food was all because of his diligence and faith.


faith seems to be the resounding message i am getting not only from these lessons that i am teaching my girls, but in my own personal scripture study. faith. faith. faith. think Heavenly Father is trying to tell me something?! for the last year and change i have been utterly scared to go out and venture into the world on my own because quite frankly i am flat out traumatized by the way things turned out last time. things that i put myself through and things that happened to me. and little things in my life keep happenening. things that are causing the ripple affect. and i become inspired to go out and do something, but in the end i talk myself out of it by telling myself things like it's the wrong time or that it just doesn't feel right. like it says in nephi 16:29 "...and thus we see that by small means the lord can bring about great things." 

to me all these "little" things that keep happenening to me are not a coincidence. i think it's all just apart of Heavenly Father's plan to open my eyes so i can see that i am the only one holding myself back. because i don't have faith in myself, i am not putting any faith in my Heavenly Father that he knows way better than i do which way i need to go. and for whatever reason, everything just seemed to click and hit me like a bus just this instant. 

this whole time i keep taking the easy road and i just keep waiting for the right time or opportunities to just find me. like magic or something. but i am not doing anything about it. well i'll tell you what... i keep thinking about my new years goal (which is to finish SOMETHING) and honestly, i am just so darn sick and tired with myself always taking the easy road. for once i want to take on the path of least resistance and just DO SOMETHING with my life. i feel like i am just wasting SO much dang time because i am scared. because i have become so comfortable in my little hidey hole. i have built up so many walls, afraid to feel anything. happiness, sadness, love, joy. i feel safe when i'm numb. and being safe is getting me nowhere. and nowhere is going to leave alone and comfortable. and i didn't even realize it til just now. 

i think it is high time that i exert a little faith Heavenly Father deserves and just go after something. all i know is living in this town, as nice as it can be, is killing me. okay maybe not killing me but i am just too content with being alone. and that scares me because i don't want to be alone.

like it says it proverbs 3:5-6 "trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

i trusted Heavenly Father to lead me back here so that i could get the support that i needed to get back to good jess again. and i think it's a little time i have worn out my welcome. i realize now that i need to trust Heavenly Father to lead me to the next place i am meant to be, so i can meet the people i need to meet and experience new things in my life so i can now continue to grow and flourish. because right now i kinda realize i have definitely plateaued. after all, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. and how can Heavenly Father help us if we are not helping ourselves?? he can't. 

i just love when the picture comes together for me. i'm going to do this. i am so blessed. so far beyond anything i'm sure i deserve and i am so grateful for the scriptures and for personal prayer and just life experiences that just keep guiding me and pushing me to the places i am meant to be. i know my Heavenly Father loves me. that is something i could never, ever doubt.

life is so beautiful. i love it. :)

p.s. welcome to the crazy life of jess. next stop:


not there yet. :)

my motto for this year. :)
everyday i'm a little closer, a little stronger, a little more wiser.
not where i want to be yet, 
but if i work hard everyday, then everyday i'm a little closer than i was yesterday. 
i love life so much. 

my thought for the day :)


1 Nephi 4:6

And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.

faith. this is a tough topic to define. because i think to different people having faith means different things and the word faith itself is sometimes open to interpretation. this scripture was part of the lesson i taught to my girls last sunday and all week it has just really stuck with me. i pondered on all the times i just did things because i knew they were right and used my faith in Heavenly Father that he would get me through as long as i kept doing what i felt to be right. and i also pondered on all the times i've lost my faith. so i'm only human and at times i do fall flat on my face. i'll be the first one to stand up and admit that. 

but back to faith. to me it means to believe and hope in things that you know to be true even though there is nothing tangible to explain why. i've never seen Jesus. but i know that he lived and died for me on the cross. i know that he loved me so much, that he suffered for all the sins i will commit in my lifetime so i can make them right again. i know this. i've experienced it. and i know despite all my shortcomings, he loves me. 

i've never seen Heavenly Father. but i know that he is there with a bigger plan for me than i could ever even begin to hope for. and i know that in my times of weakness or trials if i lean on him he will make up for where i fall short. i know that he has given me many tools to help me know what is right and what is wrong so that when trials and temptation come my way, i'll be able to recognize it and make the right choices. 

i have really learned what it means to have faith and how much it pays off in the end. i wont go into detail because i know i talked about it on my other blog, but bottom line, i knew at one point that i needed to move back to nebraska. i knew i needed to make things right in my life. and i knew that i wanted to want it. i wanted to want to go back to church and feel that joy and peace. but i just didn't want to stop what i was doing and i know that heavenly father knew that i wouldn't be able to do it alone. and the spirit whispered to me all the things i needed to do at a time i probably wasn't doing anything worth deserving any guidance. but like i said, Heavenly Father has a bigger plan for me than i could ever have for myself. and so on my faith, i moved home, and i have worked my butt off to be a good person, to live a life worthy to go into the beautiful temple, to be a good example so i can share my story of being lost and found. and in return, i have been blessed so immensely! i have more mental strength than i have ever had before. i am so much stronger now than i could have ever even hoped for. i know that Heavenly Father has helped me out in the times i fall short. but most importantly, i have faith now. i know that if i do all that i can and have faith in Him he will never lead me astray. and i know that if i strive to live a Christ-like life; a life full of love, forgiveness, charity and understanding, that i will be blessed with joy beyond belief. i just know i need to have faith the same way that Nephi did. believing in spite of everything because you know it in your heart to be true. there is no unhappy ending if you follow down a road of faith. :)


making a change!

so i have somehow managed to turn a crazy addication (ahem, pinterest) into something most positive! not only has this been an excellent source for me spitritually, but physcially and mentally. so it's not like i sit on pinterest all day, everyday. okay maybe the first day or so. don't judge. lol. but at some point i managed to stumble into the fitness category of this website and everyday i find the inspiration i need to push through the day. this week i have really been focusing on the kinds of food i put into my mouth. and while i don't eat terribly, there is huge room for improvement. i have just been taking this a day at a time, the same way i did with my repentance of last year. and i have made it through the week!! i am really hoping i can stick with this because i know that fit isn't some sort of destination, but in fact a way of life. for once i want to be fit. i have been heavy and i have been skinny but at no point have i been just fit. i realized that life is too short to not be happy with yourself and the way you look.

some of my favorite things i have discovered this week:

i LOVE blackberries! it's so weird because i have never been much of a berry person. and i must say that the blackberries i have been eating have NOTHING on the wild fresh berries of washington state.

oikos greek yogurt has made my world go round!! i have tried chiobani and i liked it just fine, but this oikos stuff is as good as ice cream to me! and i have honestly leaned on this stuff all week because the first week of any diet change is brutal.

this morning i made an egg white omelette with quinoa and spinach. and on top i put some of my mama's yummy home made salsa. and big shock... NO SALT. i didn't put one ounce of salt on this yummy omelette. go me!

and then for lucnh today i made and egg white burrito with some mozarella/provolone cheese blend with half of an avocado. and i used those yummy carb balance tortillas. it was amazing!!! and again... NO SALT!

i've worked out everyday this week and honestly i feel really great! so thank you pinterest and the inspiration you have brought to my life!! everynight before bed, i blog surf from pinterest of girls who have changed their way of life and look phenomenal now! it really pushes myself mentally that if these girls can do it, than why the heck can't i??

i'm super excited for the second week of this. :)


a little something extra.

we love tucker.

busy baker!


i really wish i had more pictures to show!! okay these wonderful cupcakes are (from left to right): salted caramel hot chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow buttercream frosting, white cake cupcakes with a coconut buttercream frosting, and then maple cupcakes with maple-nutmeg buttercream frosting topped with bacon pieces. creative right?!?!! oh man i love baking SO much! since then i have also made but no pictures.. the yummiest chocolate cupcakes that tasted like cocoa puffs that had a dark chocolate buttercream made from melted chocolate. and i also made red velvet cupcakes that had white chocolate cream cheese frosting! and last night i made my dad a spice cake made from scratch that has a yummy brown sugar spice buttercream filling and cream cheese frosting. so good! but i cooked a little too long so it was a tad bit dry. i have also made super yummy fudge and home made marshmallows, which are in fact on top of the hot chocolate cupcakes. i've been busy and my creative juices are totally flowing!!

catching up a bit.

well xmas came and went and lo and behold: NO SNOW! bummer. but i did get some awesome stuff! this year in my family we did a name draw and bought gifts for just one person with a set spending limit and i actually liked it a lot! my dad drew my name. :)

 so cute! my dad bought me a freaking KITCHENAID.

 this was by far the best present i got! my dad picked out the patterns. one side is baseballs and the other is this cute red and white polka dots. his idea was an Angel's baseball blanky. 
(p.s. cant wait til baseball season. we got Pujols! ;) )

i love this blanket so much. and i love my dad even more. i honestly think i have the best dad on the wole planet. 

i also got a babycakes maker that i finally just bought liners for, so i will be experimenting veryyy soon.

and this is a pic of how cute my presents were. my dad wrapped him all by himself. 

okay okay. so it's been a couple months.

like always with my forgetful mind, it just doesn't always occur to me to write on my blog. but today i just felt this overwhelming urge to write. 

every year at the beginning i set a goal for myself for the year. and i have to say for the last 5 years or so i have actually held to it. some of my past goals were to gain a testimony of the book of mormon. the year after that was to find joy in the journey of life and not focus so much much on what did or didn't happen. and last year my goal was to make myself whole spiritually again. not for anyone but myself. and let me tell you.. i worked HARD! now the last month or so i have been slacking a little bit and luckily over the course of the last couple days i've gotten the kick that i needed. :)

okay now to unleash my goal for this year. i want to prove to myself that i CAN. i want to start something and actually push myself to finish it. i want to take the road less travelled for once. and honestly i am a little scared. it actually gives me a little anxiety to think about reaching beyond my comfort zone! but i need to do this. whether it is getting into some real shape and making a healthy lifestyle change as far as eating. (even though i don't really eat that bad, i just really love carbonated drinks and gummy bears.) or to finally FINISH my degree at chool. or to finally finish paying off my stupid burden of a student loan! i just need to finish something! this new year goal didn't come to me right off the bat, it actually has just really hit me the last couple of days or so. but i know i need to do it. i know that i am the worst of not doing or doing the complete opposite of everything i say i am going to do, so i'm not going to make any definite decisions. i'm just gonna chunk away at everything a little bit at a time. i'm making plans in my head of my attack technique for each of those things. but i am promising myself that by this time next year, at least one of those things IS going to be done. 

it's all about faith and believing in yourself and remembering that heavenly father believes in you too. 

i would like to thank my mom for getting me hopelessly addicted to pinterest. because everyday i get on there i feel just so motivated to make some changes! if i take it a day at a time and not think about tomorrow or yesterday i can do this. just think about today jess. you need to set little goals and accomplish them before you can tackle the big things. i just know that now that i've worked on myself spiritually, it's time to pay attention to myself mentally and physically. i'm going to do this. you can do it jess! :)