
making a change!

so i have somehow managed to turn a crazy addication (ahem, pinterest) into something most positive! not only has this been an excellent source for me spitritually, but physcially and mentally. so it's not like i sit on pinterest all day, everyday. okay maybe the first day or so. don't judge. lol. but at some point i managed to stumble into the fitness category of this website and everyday i find the inspiration i need to push through the day. this week i have really been focusing on the kinds of food i put into my mouth. and while i don't eat terribly, there is huge room for improvement. i have just been taking this a day at a time, the same way i did with my repentance of last year. and i have made it through the week!! i am really hoping i can stick with this because i know that fit isn't some sort of destination, but in fact a way of life. for once i want to be fit. i have been heavy and i have been skinny but at no point have i been just fit. i realized that life is too short to not be happy with yourself and the way you look.

some of my favorite things i have discovered this week:

i LOVE blackberries! it's so weird because i have never been much of a berry person. and i must say that the blackberries i have been eating have NOTHING on the wild fresh berries of washington state.

oikos greek yogurt has made my world go round!! i have tried chiobani and i liked it just fine, but this oikos stuff is as good as ice cream to me! and i have honestly leaned on this stuff all week because the first week of any diet change is brutal.

this morning i made an egg white omelette with quinoa and spinach. and on top i put some of my mama's yummy home made salsa. and big shock... NO SALT. i didn't put one ounce of salt on this yummy omelette. go me!

and then for lucnh today i made and egg white burrito with some mozarella/provolone cheese blend with half of an avocado. and i used those yummy carb balance tortillas. it was amazing!!! and again... NO SALT!

i've worked out everyday this week and honestly i feel really great! so thank you pinterest and the inspiration you have brought to my life!! everynight before bed, i blog surf from pinterest of girls who have changed their way of life and look phenomenal now! it really pushes myself mentally that if these girls can do it, than why the heck can't i??

i'm super excited for the second week of this. :)

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