
catching up a bit.

well xmas came and went and lo and behold: NO SNOW! bummer. but i did get some awesome stuff! this year in my family we did a name draw and bought gifts for just one person with a set spending limit and i actually liked it a lot! my dad drew my name. :)

 so cute! my dad bought me a freaking KITCHENAID.

 this was by far the best present i got! my dad picked out the patterns. one side is baseballs and the other is this cute red and white polka dots. his idea was an Angel's baseball blanky. 
(p.s. cant wait til baseball season. we got Pujols! ;) )

i love this blanket so much. and i love my dad even more. i honestly think i have the best dad on the wole planet. 

i also got a babycakes maker that i finally just bought liners for, so i will be experimenting veryyy soon.

and this is a pic of how cute my presents were. my dad wrapped him all by himself. 

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